Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I've been Tagged

O.K. i am actually sacrificing my nap to update this blog!! Davina "tagged" me so i felt extra pressure to update.
I have to give 5 random or wierd facts about myself and then 5 places i would like to visit or re-visit, then i'll tag 5 more people at the end.
1) My car radio is usually tuned to NPR.
2) I go through phases but if i HAD to choose a favorite candy, it would be Snickers.
3) I used to go repelling with my brother all the time when i was younger.
4) I was almost named BERANDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5) I was two years into pre-dentistry curriculum at auburn before switching to art.

1) Snow skiing is my absolute favorite way to vacation so i want to return anywhere with good slopes!
2) Hawaii
3) Europe (paris)
4) Wouldn't mind returning to New York, especially with Bethany. That sounds like a good girls trip....anyone?
5) African Safari....except not really, maybe we'll just stay at the magic kingdom at disney :)

I tag Mary Liz, David Z., Matt M., Kyle P., and Steve A.
(clearly most of my blogging friends have been tagged, so i have to get their hubbies)

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