Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Sad Cries from a Clean House (by Bridget)

I have had a couple of opportunities the past few months to ponder a conclusion I never thought I would come up with.
Bethany's grandparents have taken turns keeping her for an extended period of time while Steve and I are at home, with no real plans. So here I sit, for the second time now, in my clean, fresh smelling house, and I'm overwhelmed by a sense of emptiness. The first time Bethany was away, I walked into the living room one night and said to Steve in all seriousness, "the house has a funny smell to it". To this he responded, "clean!". It's true, when Bethany is away my house sparkles with freshness and order, something I always seem to long for; so why the empty feeling?
Then I notice the sticky fingerprints on the bottoms of our windows, and I recall her hands and face pressed upon the glass, screaming with delight, "look mommy, a lizard!" or "airpane, mommmy, airpane!" or "bird, mommy, see?, a bird!". Believe it or not I start to miss the hazardous mess that she creates on the floor from throwing every toy out of the basket in a tazmanian devil sort of way, just to get the little trinket on the bottom that she ends up tossing after 15 seconds of good playtime.
In no way would I trade this time away from Bethany. I know it is priceless for her and her grandparents, not to mention me and steve, but I am starting to realize the sweetness of a messy house. It means Bethany is home, and exploring, and growing up way faster than I ever thought possible! So next time you hear me complaining about my messy house, I would appreciate a quick reprimand to remind me of the emptiness that comes with clean...

1 comment:

Nah Nah said...

I am sitting here with tears in my eyes, remembering that same smell, however my house was always full of your messes because you weren't as fortunate as bethany, getting to spend time with thank you for all the sweet memories we are having with bethany, and we look forward to the same with baby boy adams